Mathew 9:35 says Now Yeshua was going around all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the Good News of the kingdom
36 When He saw the crowds, He felt compassion for them, .......we feel compassion for inmates!because they were harassed and helpless, ......this is very true of prisoners! like sheep without a shepherd .......they need the One True Shepard!37 Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful many are hungry for truth in prisons!
but the workers are few true of prison ministry,including this one! 38 Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest ........yes, PLEASE PRAY that He may send out workers into His harvest field.”. that He send more workers!
Our Goals: 1. To equip our incarcerated brethern in applying the whole Word of Adonai to thier lives. 2. To have more volunteers ministering to our Messianic brethren in all of Florida prisons and providing sound teachings and items to allow their celebrations of the His Feasts. Volunteers not only provide these things, but also direction (all kinds of "Messianic" teachings are provided in the prisons,) and most important they are showing love and giving value to the brethern by just showing up! 2. We would like to get the word out to the greater Messianic and Hebrew Roots community. We have heard people say at times that Messianics are not doing this important ministry, but we are, and want to let our brethren know who also see in Scripture the importance of this ministry!
- The following is what is needed to expand this ministry to bless more of our incarcerated brethern. (How you can participate in this important ministry!)
- Prayer: for more volunteers (the harvest is ready!), for the incarcerated brethren, the chaplains (especially, they carry a great load) , the administration in each prison, the guards, the financial needs to do this ministry well, all things listed below.
- Volunteer: we will train you, and apprentice you. If you are truly called, after your first time in a prison, you will be so excited to be doing this! There are inmates and chaplains asking for Messianic volunteers! Click here to learn more!
- Tech help: We especially need a way to get good teachings to inmates through their tablets, it is not as easy as it sounds. There are a few available now, but we would like to provide more.
- Musicians: to provide praise and worship for services, any instrument(s) would enahnce the worship!
- Donations: good DVD teachings, printing supplies for teachings provided, Worship CDs or DVDs, Worship flags, Hebraic-Jewish type Bibles, Feast items mentioned, money for us to buy the things needed for the Feasts and Shabbat ( ex. Monthly supply of grape juice , challah/matzah for Shabbat to one prison is close to $40….) We now provide this to 5 prisons and would like to provide it to all of our Messianic brethern in prisons in the Central Florida area that do not have a volunteer providing them .