Testimonials of blessings of Messianic Volunteers
I was delivered from Buddhism after atending several services. At the final one where I gave in, I had the Buddist “prayer books” with me and I explained what they were and their significance. I told them what a stronghold it had been for me. To show that I was free of it through Yeshua , I tried to break them, but I was too exhausted, (LOL) . Someone came and helped me and everyone cheered. That night I went back to my dorm and went to my locker. Now I had been a very “devout Buddhist “and I had altars I’d made and books and notes and journals about the practices. Me and the one who had invited me to the service had a blast destroying the altars and other books of that religion. It was a symbolic and physical and spiritual cleansing of my life that night.
I came to accept Yeshua through Messianic volunteers in the prison I was in. It has changed my life drastically. When I was released and attended a Messiainic congregation, I was blessed to meet the wife that I have now been happily married to for several years.
Many like this, inside cards pictured below;
There are no words to describe how incredably grateful we are for everything you do and for the wonderful seder you gave us. May Yeshua watch over you, keep you and bless you beyond what I could ask. JW
Many like this, inside cards pictured below : You are a blessing to each and everyone of us! It was a beautiful Shavuot! Thank you! KK
You hold us to a high standard, but I am grateful, it has made me to draw closer to Him and His will. JH
Our volunteer is such a patient pure woman of YHWH and a blessing to us in ways that has changed our life from a group of ladies bickering nagging women to a group of friends and slowly becoming a family. She helped a few women who were so closed off to open up and welcomes others. She is more than she even knows.
To one of our volunteers: Your love and obedience to YHWH's will makes a bigger difference in all of our lives, more than you can realize.
You bring The Spirit into this place!
Creative thank you cards with many signatures and messages of gratitude inside